Managing your Employees

Managing your employees is not easy. You will face a lot of challenges because all employees have different characters, skills and attitude. Here are some ways on how to manage your employees successfully.

1. Hire wisely.
Most companies or business hire employees for a specific job. If you are hiring new employees make sure you have the three I’s in hiring them. Look for initiative, integrity and intelligence. Hire the best for every position in your company. If ever you also have employees that are not doing their task or job well then you better consider if it is a wise investment of having them in your company.

2. Build a good team and not your ego.
If you have a lot of employees trust them to do their jobs and see their work or progress after. Make your employees feel that they are part of the group or part of the company’s product. Try to have a good interaction between co members of the team when some ideas must be corrected.

3. Reward your employees well.
When you have a handful of good employees having a good performance in the company make sure you reward them not just financially but emotionally as well. Also make time to acknowledge their contributions or work in the company. Say thank you if you need to.

4. Try to be hands on.
Get to know your employees job. Try to see how they do their work. If you try to show an employee that you are trying to learn his job then you are also trying to communicate that you believe that their work has a value or importance.

5. Make your employees versatile.
Let your employees know how to do two jobs in the company especially on the technical sides. Also have at least three employees know how to do each job so that when one is not present you could assign anyone to finish the specific job.

6. Always make sure you communicate with your employees
Listen and talk with your employees as much as possible. Try to ask some suggestions and correct their mistakes especially if you see it. Pay attention to the customers because customers give feedbacks regarding with your employees especially the service.

7. Encourage innovation and creation.
Have a meeting with your employees every month or as much as possible. Make suggestions regarding about how to improve your product, service, efficiency, or bottom line.

8. Give positive encouragement for the process.
Have a second in command. Find the best person that you can trust in your company that has the same goals, ideas, ideals and business style. Train him/her appropriately. Let others know that he/she has your confidence and that you give him or her the authority when you are gone. When that is done, leave on vacation and test the theory out.

Posted in Technology.

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