5 Skills of a Manager

In the business organization there are different organizational levels to consider so that your business will become successful. There are a lot of things to consider especially your employees. Managers should also have the 5 skills to consider and these are the:

Technical Skills – are those skills that involve in computer word processing such as financial, budgeting, operating machinery, preparing a PowerPoint presentation and so much more. First line managers should understand the movement of production and direct the employees. Managers at this state need to schedule workers to prepare for their own budget.
Some manager can also used the technical skills by planning and organizing of the organization.

Interpersonal skill – this skill involves the interaction of managers together with the organizational members. Communication plays an important role for managers. Most managers that have good technical skill are successful in their own jobs.

Conceptual skill – managers should try their best to understand how the organization units work and how would it fit perfectly in the environment. This is the most important skill for the top managers since it is at this time that the supervisor managers have vision for the company.

Diagnostic Skill – this is the skill that is used for investigating problems and having a solution. Managers should determine and know the cause of a certain problem. Manager should speak with organizational members for some information. Top managers diagnose problems and different issue such as the best strategic position, possibility of outsourcing tasks and opportunities for overseas expansion of a business.

Political skill – managers at this level obtain power and preventing the employees from taking away their powers. Political skill can promote a manager to the next level rather than reaching the goals of the company. Interacting with the different competitors, suppliers, customers, government and shareholders require political skill

These are the skills need to be implemented in a company.

Posted in Tips.

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